
Monday, January 6, 2014

The import javax.servlet can't be resolved

You need to add the Servlet API to your classpath. In Tomcat7.0, this is in a JAR called servlet-api.jar in Tomcat's lib folder. You can either add a reference to that JAR to the project's classpath, or put a copy of the JAR in your Eclipse project and add it to the classpath from there.
If you want to leave the JAR in Tomcat's lib folder:
  • Right-click the project, click Properties.
  • Choose Java Build Path.
  • Click Add External JARs...
  • Browse to find servlet-api.jar and select it.
  • Click OK to update the build path.
Or, if you copy the JAR into your project:
  • Right-click the project, click Properties.
  • Choose Java Build Path.
  • Click Add JARs.
  • Find servlet-api.jar in your project and select it.
  • Click OK to update the build path.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Step by Step Installation for MySql database on Windows

 Hello All,

I have made a office presentation on how to install MySQL open source database on windows 8.
Below is the power point presentation to the installation.
Once you download the installer .Unzip it and double click on it .Follow the steps below.The installation while doing this presentation was 5.6.You can even find the same presentation on youtube at link.